diploma project
in collaboration with Chiara Chiavazza

Xanh Mono by Yellowtype
ES Allianz by Extraset
Tartuffo by Lift Type

concept crafting
content curation & editing
art direction
system & layout design

figma prototyping


❈ eye see you, you see me (book)
❈ solstice (magazine)
❈ graveyard of forgotten memories (digital)
❈ the same, but not really (zine)
❈ some random (illustrations)
❈ even more random (posters)

✲ CV

Sometimes anxiousness over past doubts and uncertainties can quickly overcome the cozy romanticism and dreaming about what’s already left in the past. ‘What if, what if, what if’ - this question can become the constant soundtrack that’s on replay in our minds and that can be quite exhausting to keep up with. The Graveyard of Forgotten Memories collects both personal stories of regretful moments, shared by our visitors, and historical evidences of things going terribly wrong.

Sometimes anxiousness over past doubts and uncertainties can quickly overcome the cozy romanticism and dreaming about what’s already left in the past. ‘What if, what if, what if’ - this question can become the constant soundtrack that’s on replay in our minds and that can be quite exhausting to keep up with. The Graveyard of Forgotten Memories collects both personal stories of regretful moments, shared by our visitors, and historical evidences of things going terribly wrong.